2022-23 Panini Crown Royale NBA Basketball Hobby Box - LIVE BREAK

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Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage

Bitte beachtet: die hier angebotene Box wird im Live Break auf Twitch im nächsten Live Stream (Streaming-Termine können unseren Social-Media-Kanälen entnommen werden) live für euch geöffnet und die Inhalte werden euch im Anschluss zugesendet. Daher ist ein Widerruf für dieses Produkt ausgeschlossen.


2022-23 Panini Crown Royale NBA Basketball Hobby Box

- 1 Autograph
- 1 Memorabilia Card
- 2 Inserts Or Parallels

- Crown Royale returns with its one-of-a-kind die-cut designs and an incredible selection of Inserts, Parallels, and Autographs!
- Find 1 Autograph per box of the top NBA superstars, legends, and rookies including the highly sought after Rookie Silhouettes in prime and super-prime versions!
- Also find 1 Memorabilia card per box in sets such as Heirs to the Throne, Knights of the Round Table, Coat of Arms, and the new Monarch Memorabilia.
- Search for insert sets including Rookie Royalty, Sno Globe, Test of Time, new Pillars of the Game and Hand Crafted, and the super short-printed Kaboom!
- Chase after base parallels such Base Crystal, Base Crystal Blue (#’d/99), Base Crystal Pink (#’d/75), Base Crystal Red (#’d/49), Base Crystal Purple (#’d/25), Base Crystal Gold (#’d/10), and Base Crystal Platinum (#’d/1)!